A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Good thing about the internet...

You can find anything you want, practically. When Brendan is working on that Peugeot, I want him to go into as much detail as possible, showing how deep he gets into things when he's doing a repair. So I checked to see if I could find a Chilton's Auto Repair Guide for one...and did. Through Ebay.

Not sure how this will work out, yet, but it's opened up a lot in that area of the story. Brendan made friends at a rooming house he moved into, when he cut off his aunt and uncle, and they become like his family. What helps is, one of the tenants is a language maven who can learn languages with no trouble.

His name is Eldon and he's got emotional troubles, so is on disability. Very shy. Very quiet. Very unsure. But when Brendan mentions his younger brother, Rhuari, is learning Gaelic, Eldon learns it in a flash and Brendan gets the two of them corresponding in the language.

It's through Eldon and those letters Brendan keeps up with his Derry family. He learns Rhuari's set up at Queen's University, in Belfast, is married, and they're living with his wife's aunt. That his little sister, Maeve, is beginning training as a nurse. And that Rhuari's soon to be a father. He's also working in a late night convenience store so is vulnerable to Protestants going after him.

But Brendan also gathers enough from the letters that Maeve has connections within the IRA and they've made deals with the UVF to help each other's protection rackets. If this store's paying us, leave them alone and we'll do the same for you. And Rhuari's working at one that's paying. So he's somewhat protected.

Until Uncle Sean demands Brendan return to live at their home. Brendan refuses, preferring to live off on his own. The man winds up threatening to get Rhuari killed if he doesn't, which sends Brendan into a clash of fear and fury.

The man wants this because someone's notified the FBI that Brendan's an illegal alien and they're after him to talk with him. Which Uncle Sean does not want because it will hurt his businesses, so he's using his connections to stop that and make Brendan a legal resident. But that won't work unless he's available. And the only way they can make sure he's available is if he's living in the pool house.

It's a bit convoluted, but next draft I hope to simplify and clarify.

I hope to...

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