A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, December 10, 2023


All the corrections I made when doing my backwards proofing on APoS-Derry are completely input. Now I just need to make certain I have consistency on a couple of things -- like the spelling of O'Faelan, the last name of Brendan's best friend, Colm. I noticed I spelled it O'Fealan twice, which is easy to miss so double-checking. And I'm using Word's editor to check on my use of grammar.

I'm not adjusting my style to suit a basic grammatical method. Brendan writes and talks in his own fashion, and it ain't necessarily Strunk & White. What's fun is, I noticed on two occasions Word's editor wanted me to change too to to, which would have been the wrong version of it. Not cool, spellcheck.

That's why I stopped being a Grammar Nazi online; I realized Spellcheck was putting out the wrong info 25% of the time.

I'm neurotic enough to know what the proper uses are for your and you're, as well as their, they're and there. But if English is your second language or if your schooling has been second-rate when it comes to English, I can see where the damn program making the wrong suggestion would be difficult to ignore.

Just what you need in today's world -- a helpful program that will fuck with your mind.

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