A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The joy of formatting

Word decided to freak out on me in the middle of reformatting Porno Manifesto, so I had to shut it down and will reopen it, tomorrow, to see if it's willing to behave, again. It wasn't the text that was the problem; it was the header/footer stuff. It kept dumping my page numbers and would only put the header I wanted on even pages and not odd.

Technology drives me nuts. The more they do to make it work for you, the more it does to fuck you over. It's one reason I won't sell my '98 Honda. It runs well, has less than 110,000 miles on it, I'm its only owner, and it isn't so packed with chips and computers and electronics that I have to worry about it needing to be taken into the Genius Bar to reset the friggin' clock.

When I travel, I have to rent cars and deal with all that nonsense. I once couldn't figure out how to shut off the heated seats in a Chevy SUV, once, so dealt with it till I got to where I was going and could Google up the explanation. And people I know had an issue with their parking brake, in Canada; it wouldn't release because it's set electronically. And the Canadian dealership said they'd have to leave the car for a week so they could get in the right technician to handle it, since he was on vacation. 

I've had electric windows freeze halfway open and cruise control refuse to come on, not to mention a tire sensor give a warning that a tire's low when it wasn't. On that last one, I bought an air pressure gauge, which said it was fine, but still wound up putting air in it...then letting it out...and the light went away.

So now it's my writing tool that's messing with me. And I've already figured a way around it if need be. That's how it works; it's often better just to not bother trying to fix something and do your stuff the manual way. More physical work but a lot less frustration and usually faster, in the long run.

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