A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Another one bites the dust...

Newest draft finished. 142,146 words. Done before I head off on a series of jobs, next week. I've got it saved onto an external hard drive and plan to do one more read-through before sending it out. But I can do that on the road. I'll also do a spell-check, which will take hours because of all the colloquialisms I used.

The story goes from him coming back to consciousness in Houston in April 1993 to when he's about to head home because his mother is ill, in January 1981. It's become more of an emotional journey for Brendan than I'd expected, which is good. I like to think he's developing as the story goes along.

NWFO is about 2000 words more than Derry, but that's livable. And will probably change once I get feedback. If any. I posted at the beginning of May that I'd provide a free ebook of Derry to anyone willing to do a review of it. honest review. Not one person has contacted me about it.

I look at all the books I've sold and how few reviews I have over all my work. It's rather disheartening. Either they didn't like the book and don't want to say anything, or they just don't care. I don't mind a negative review; I've learned from them. I just wish I wasn't being ignored.

I'm in a mood. I don't feel good. Sinus thing I'm fighting. I've already done two Covid tests to be safe and both are negative. It's just that time of year for my nose to go nuts at the pollen and such in the air.


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