A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Copyright and submission copies

I'm working up a copy of APoS-NWFO to send into the Library of Congress for copyright and catalogue number, and maybe into Publisher's Weekly to see if they will review the book. They turned down Derry, but still gonna try. And I'm using this as the avatar for it. I'm liking it, more and more.

This version is 354 pages long, including the table of contents, title page, acknowledgements and bio, with 339 of it text. That's only 8 more pages of text than Derry. Pretty good. I'm going to hold off on submitting for reviews from BookLife and Kirkus until it's been proofed...maybe. Depends.

I'm asking friends to do the proofing because I cannot afford to pay a professional editor to do it. I was in contact with one who offered me a good deal, but it was still way out of my range. I spent so much trying to get Derry going, I don't know what I can afford for NWFO.

This is why I wanted an official publisher to handle it instead of me. But ain't gonna happen. So what matters is, the story will be out there, and once it's all up and running, I can work out how to focus interest on it. I guess.

Maybe I'll take a class in selling your work.

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