A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rotten day...

Had a doctor's appointment and worked on prepping a potential job's costing, in Boston, so not focused on much else. At the doctor's I got a pneumonia vaccine shot...and it hurt. My whole body's aching, and I got a cramp in my left leg as I drove home. Which is not good. My car's a stick and he's a bit needy, in his old age.

How many years is car years in human years? My Civic's a '98 DX Coupe, and every time I think of getting a new one I go on a packing job, rent a car with electronic everything and remind myself why I don't want to replace him.

Everyone I know who has a car built in the last 10 years is having trouble with its electronics. Parking brake freezes in locked position. Sensors start misreading. Windows stop working. My little beast has a handbrake, no sensors and roll up windows, and still runs damn good. I don't want to lose that.

Anyway, I've been achy all day and unfocused. Near headache. Cranky. I hate it when I'm like that. Nice to stay in since I got home just before the rain came pelting down.

At least I'm getting good response to the latest cover workup for APoS-NWFO. It fits, more and more, in my view. I have another potential packing job in DC so once I get done with that, tomorrow, I'll start working up the full dust jacket.

Just learned Rian Johnson is coming out with a new Knives Out movie -- Wake up Dead Man. Kind of a clunky title, but Daniel Craig is back as Benoit Blanc, and that makes me giddy. Andrew Scott's signed on, too...so this should be fun. Hopefully, Hugh Grant will also be there...baking...

I wish Netflix would release their videos in DVD format...the bastards.

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