A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

I don't wanna adult...

I got my drivers license renewed at the downtown DMV, very nice and easy if parking was a bit ridiculous. There's a massive garage across the street, half of which you can't park in. You have to go to the underground level. And several of the elevators up to the ground floor are out of service. Not lookin' good there, Buffalo.

But the process itself was easy. I proved my eyes still worked and paid the fee...and was done nice and quick. Which made me happy because I felt like crap. Still affected by that vaccination. I stopped at a pizza joint and had a slice and DP then came home and slept. For two hours.

When I do that, I'm extremely unmotivated once I wake up. But I still sent some emails for work and arranged for a review from Kirkus for APoS-NWFO, and started pulling together pricing for one of the jobs, even though I don't know exactly where it is. I have photos of the books on their shelves but that's it. Still, that lets me work out how much in the way of packing materials I'll need.

I've had it with the MAGAt crowd so I've started just blocking them. I just don't want to deal with it. I also had someone I used to know contact me, asking to catch up. I don't want to. She and her husband voted for that orange bastard in 2016 and I told them I can't be friends with people who support an organization that wants to hurt me. Haven't seen them since.

So I'm a bit perplexed as to why I'm being contacted. It seems rude to tell her, No, I don't want to call you. But the fact is, I don't. She doesn't have my phone number, anymore; I dropped that years ago. So I'm thinking about how best to handle it.

I like being left alone, and I've realized a lot of that's colored Brendan's world. A nephew of mine asked me what I meant by a safe place, and I said, Where people leave you alone to live your life. His response was, There is no such place. Which, as it turns out, is the theme of the books.

And he hasn't read any of them.

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