A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Finally, I think I got it.

I tried several different layouts with different images to work up the cover of APoS-NWFO...and didn't like any of them. Making Brendan the centerpiece, in his Houston phase or look...it kept coming across as a young adult novel. Something about a troubled boy (which he is, but that's beside the point) or a teen romance. Gag.

So I looked at the passport one I'd worked up...looked closer at the photo I'm using of Brendan...and went back to basics. And I think this is the strongest one. Adding in the scars and a bit of mess to his hair, surrounding him with a frame...it carries a deeper emotion than any of the others could even have possibly achieved.

I'm asking for feedback on Facebook, but I have a feeling this will be the front cover. And one of the images I worked up will do nicely on the back. Now I just need to get Publishers Weekly to agree to do a review of this volume. If they won't, I guess I'll get one through BookLife. And I'll hit Kirkus up for one, too. See how that works.

I set up an author page on Kirkus, as well, with links to some of my books. Focused on the more mainstream ones, since they get the least notice from the other sites I publicize on.

Y'know, it's amazing how tired you can get just screwing around with your laptop, all day.

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