A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

I'm feeling adultier, today, so actually worked. Dammit.

 Got full info on both packing jobs I'm prepping, and found I'd severely underestimated the weight in one. Fortunately, before I passed it on to the client. That would have been awkward. Um, hi, yeah, gonna cost you 50% more than I said. Sorry, but shit happens.

Then I spent lots of time...and lots and lots...on laying out the dust jacket for APoS-NWFO. This is close, but I think I'm going to adjust some of the type and try to figure some way to make the spine more visible. More readable.

The big black area is for a review I'm expecting to come in before the end of July...if it's good. God, what if it isn't. What if they say it's not as good as Derry? That it meanders or makes no sense or is self-indulgent? Crap. Maybe then I'll repeat the glowing reviews I got for Derry.

Because reality is, this story's set. Almost in stone. When I get the proofing back, the only changes I'm aiming to make are for typos and errors. No rewrites. I can get myself lost in that shit forever, and any good artist knows when to let go, no matter how much you want to keep trying to make it perfect.

Not that I'm a good artist...but still...

So it's time to start on volume three, Home Not Home. And I have a lot of ideas for that. Plus there are a numbers of things that happen in one and two that build up into three...and then end of the story.

I think this one's going to make people mad.

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