A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Heading home

Job is done and I'm headed home. Everything went very smoothly, except for the last leg of my return trip being half an hour late. But I had my fix of Panda Express, a surprisingly good cheese quesadilla done fajita style in Baltimore's airport, a short meander around Newport and side trip to Fort Adams--which does not even begin to compare to Fort Niagara; you have to take a guided tour--but overall it was nice.

Here's hoping the jobs next week will be as easy and on-time. 

I've trimmed more out of NWFO and feel better about how it's flowing. Brendan's pressing forward in trying to handle his situation and rebuild his life, even though there are setbacks. He's a kid who's always gone his own way, and is finding that's even harder to do, now.

I'm at the point in the story where he's joining Evangelyne and her family on a trip the New Orleans, for Mardi Gras. Which might be a problem because her brother, Lon, the one who's driving, is a cop and keeps eyeing Brendan like he suspects he's done something wrong. But it's too late to back out; they're in Lon's Oldsmobile station wagon heading down the 10 to New Orleans.

Brendan's proud of himself for going because he knows Joanna would have done so. That's his mantra -- What would Joanna do? He's trying to make something more of himself by opening himself to new experiences. Which sometimes leads to a situation where the cop brother of a young woman distrusts the Irish kid.

Okay, landing now and turbulence. Fun.

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