A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Goddamned typos...

I read through The Prussian, volume 2 of Blood Angel, and found four typos. Irritating, but not bad, for me. I did this to remind myself of Léonidès' voice. His is different from Brendan's; his English and manner of talk more formal and precise while Brendan's is more lyrical and casual. Can't have one bleed into the other.

I'm still trying to figure out the lead-in to the story, and considering other changes to my initial outline. Not that it matters. Once I get into writing it, my hope is the characters will take over and lead me into the part where Léon wants to find his sister and trade Franz for Dmitriy (they can formally do that with a BA they've turned).

Dmitriy is a BA who Gabrielle thought could become her mate. But he was in the closet and only had sex with her to prove to himself he wasn't gay. Now that he's turned, he cannot deny who and what he is, and he and Léon really like each other. But Gabrielle's pissed off about it and refuses to release him to Léon. Hence the offer of trade, since Franz is decidedly heterosexual and filled with violence. Which Gabrielle likes. But that's in Volume 4.

Tomorrow, I'm doing a read-through of APoS-NWFO to get a sense of whether or not it's holding together. If I don't find fault in it...which is probably unlikely...I'm sending it out for proofing and editing. I know I keep saying that, but it's time to put a stop to my incessant rewriting. I'm at the stage of wondering if I should replace a but with an and, which is really kind of nuts.

I should also start figuring out what to do about the artwork for the dust jacket of the hardback. And when I should release Derry in paperback...so will need new artwork for that. And figure out a way to finance this all. It's not that expensive, anymore, but still I'm pretty much on the edge when it comes to my bank account.

And lack of interest in Derry. It's been exhibited in 2 book shows and no bump from either of them, while good reviews from Kirkus and BookLife aren't really bringing in readers.

But still...I carry on. I owe it to Brendan.

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