A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Home and catching up to myself...

I don't have a lot of honest reason to complain, because 2 of the jobs this last week were merely pickups and no packing involved. Well, no packing till they were back at the warehouse and had to go into containers. But still...by the end of it, I was exhausted. And then had to deal with Southwest being inconsistently consistent.

After everything going so smoothly on my flight down to Dallas, and then the ease with which I shifted my flight to San Francisco to one that worked better for me...my first flight home was delayed to the point I would miss my connection, in Denver. With no other flight available to follow it. I'd have been stuck there.

I reworked it to where I left from San Jose, instead...and found as pretty as that airport's terminals are on the outside, the gate I had to go to was straight out of 1960. Then, as usual, my flight in Denver landed at one end of a terminal (that long middle one) and I had to go all the way to the other end. Within 10 minutes.

I also lost my Early Bird check-in and wound up in C group for boarding, both flights. A bit of whining and over-emphasizing my elderly aches and pains got the gate person to let me on the flight to Denver as needing more time, which put me ahead of B Group, and I managed to snag an aisle seat on the second row. So soon as we landed, I was off like a shot.

Made it as they were boarding the flight to Buffalo. Did power-walking, including along the moving walkways. No time to grab anything to eat. When I finally arrived in Buffalo, it was too late to get anything. This is not a 24 hour city, not like LA. There, I could have stopped at Norm's, had a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits, short stack of pancakes, at 1am, and been totally happy.

Another reason I miss LA.

BUT...I did get some proofing done on APoS-NWFO. Spell-checked and defended my grammar choices according to Word's specifications and feel pretty good about it. I am doing one more read-through to make certain a couple of sections really do work, but then I'm going to be an adult and let it go out into the real world for proofing, editing and feedback.

Any takers?

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