A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, May 13, 2024

The usual excuses...

I spent much of today working up an outline for Blood Angel-Franz, which would be volume 3 of the series. Volume 2, The Prussian, takes place during the Franco/Prussian war of 1870-71, which culminated with the fall of Paris. That was like a smorgasbord of victims for vampires to feast upon, and Léonidès, my MC, and his vampire troupe are there to partake. 

He happens upon a wounded cuirussier (Franz), who's tending to his injured horse...and falls in love with his physical perfection. He also senses Franz has the Blood Angel gene in him so could be a mate for Léon, convincing himself the young man has a gentle nature.

But first, he must get the Oiym's okay to turn Franz into one of them, and they refuse. They can tell Franz would be a detriment to the vampire world, so Léon is forced to release him once he's well. One cannot go up against the Blood Angel Council. Except one of them, Luahl, decides he wants Franz, himself...not to keep, to kill.

He attacks the young man, thinking he will have fun raping him, first, only Franz manages to fight him off, severely wounding him, but not before he's been bitten. Now he's beginning to change. That's when all the brutality and evil in Franz is no longer held in check by societal good manners...and he begins to wreak a horrific trail of death across central Europe.

Since no vampire may kill another, Léon fights to find a way to gain control of Franz, even as word spreads from village to town to city that there are vampires on the loose, and they need to be found and destroyed.

That control finally comes through an alliance between Leon and Gabrielle, his sister...but not until Book 4, currently sub-titled 1871. Franz is straight and Léon knows Gabrielle loves to break men to her will so goes looking for her. This part is pretty much written, so I may bring it out not long after Volume 3.

Oh, and I've finally found my image of Gabrielle -- Assumpta Cerna, a Spanish actress in Pedro Almodòvar's Matador. She's a literal man-killer in that film, obsessed with a damaged matador who's a serial killer of women.

Mix in the amazing color palate and you've got peak Almodòvar.

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