A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Back to it...

I jumped back to the beginning of HNH to go through it and bring out Brendan's voice, again. What I had initially written was on the pedestrian side, not how he would say or write it. And there were a couple moments that made no sense or were over-written, so those got changed. In a couple of spots, I just cut out a complete paragraph. It feels a lot getter, now.

I was looking for a spot to add in him buying a portable tape recorder. I was going to do the Sound-about (the first name of the Sony Walkman) but it doesn't have recording abilities and that will prove necessary. When he goes to the university in Coleraine to hear a tape of his father telling a story, that's how he records it. 

The student doing it used a Sony reel-to-reel portable recorder to tape Da's telling of the tale. It's a high-quality device, so its clarity is amazing. But Brendan notices with each story told, his father becomes more drunk and incoherent...and in one part segues into something that has no relevance to the story being told. But it clues Brendan into something about his father's past. Not long after, the tape ends.

I have no idea what that is, yet, but it will come to me.

I also need to work out how Brendan can get an interview with Eamonn in the H Blocks, during the hunger strike. I doubt it would be allowed, especially considering the unrest going on and how Bobby Sands is getting weaker while more have joined the queue to starve themselves, but I really feel the need for it.

Might be impossible.

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