A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I'm pissed...

Well, I am apparently a writer of snuff porn. That's according to Smashwords. After selling several copies of Feeding the Beast, a novella I posted last week, they've decided to pull it from their platform. Apparently killing people in a horror story that also has gay sex in it is unacceptable. And I am given no recourse. None.

This has begun to happen more and more, lately. Like HTRASG getting banned and refused on other platforms. Carli's Kills even getting refused, despite it being heterosexual in nature. The puritans are out in force and pushing back the allowed region of self-expression.

Smashwords claims to be supportive of the erotica community, but it's being absorbed by Draft2Digital and it's seeming more and more that the allowances made for sexual content are being reworked. They may go back and re-evaluate all of my work, in which case I may have problems.

Carli's Kills starts off with Carli watching a man and woman have sex then, after they're done, pushing the woman out a 25th floor window to fall to her death. If that gets re-evaluated, it's a gonner. Same for Blood Angel's two parts, Rape in Holding Cell 6, and The Beast in the Nothing Room. Not sure what other platform to look into if those need to be reposted.

That the book was dumped without further explanation is upsetting, but what really pisses me off about it is the cowardice. No way to respond or argue. Right now I'm waiting to hear if they will pay me for the copies sold or if they're going to pull them away from the people who bought them and refund their money. And it's not just like that with Smashwords; Kindle's been known to do that. 

Amazon's banned some of my work. Facebook put me in jail for an image of a man in a Speedo, in a private group, whose hand was resting on his leg. Called it sexual activity when there was none. They also went back to 2017 to remove an image they claim goes against their guidelines, but won't tell me which one it was, what it was, anything. And their review option is worthless.

So right now I hate the world and everything in it.

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