A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Returning home, early...

This was not the best of trips. Flying out was a nightmare, between Las Vegas and San Jose. Got in 3 hours late after sitting in a hot plane for an hour while Southwest tried to make its right engine work. And that's with NO AC on the Vegas heat. Fuuuuuuuck...

But at least the job got completed early and I'm heading back to Buffalo tomorrow morning instead of Saturday. Southwest really fucked me over on charging for the change, but it means two fewer hotel days and car rental, and per diem and parking at the airport, so it cancels out.

This break did give me an fresher view of APoS-HNH...and I'm cutting that party where Brendan sees Joanna. That was the problem; it was such a fake shift in the story. Derry's undergoing all kinds of rioting and demonstrations and back and forth with the RUC and British Army due to the hunger strikes, and it would be ludicrous to have this kind of get-together.

This hurts, because it's been in the story from the first draft and I was really locked in on it. But it's just plain wrong and I couldn't see that until now. I'll have to work something else out. Fact of the matter is, the peace people wouldn't be very popular, at that point in time. Emotions are too high. I need to pay more attention to the reality of it all.

Of course, it might be the In-n-Out #2 combo, animal style, that jolted me. Cheeseburger with onions and spices cooked into the meat, fries and a DP. Never disappoints...and it's CHEAP. To follow up, I had a couple Jack in the Box tacos, this evening. My world is complete.

I'm now going to sit in a nice hot bath and relax. I tried compression socks while working, yesterday, and last night I had a nasty cramp in my left leg. Does not make for wonderful feelings. Neither does getting up at 6am for the flight. Even though I kept my body clock on East Coast time, meaning it's really 9am, it's still the psychological aspect of arising before dawn.

I am morally opposed to it.

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