Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Doing what needs to be done...

I may have a new ending for CK. I always thought I knew what the ending was...but this one is intriguing. Flips the narrative. Still not sure about it, because at the moment the book is a complete and utter mess. The very definition of a rough first draft. As I go along, I find new aspects to include and sort of note them in the earlier parts, but not well. Right now, I just want to get done with it so I know how the story ends.

I'm reading through This Man's Wee Boy and it's fun. Tony Doherty is writing about his childhood in a poor section of Derry that no longer exists.  It was completely wiped out to make way for new housing...and to disrupt the sense of community in the area as a way of disrupting the IRA. Didn't work.

I'm also digging into the new Writers Market to see about possibly using this book to get an agent and a publisher. Huge long-shot, this, but may be my only chance. If it's put out by a large publisher, APoS has a better chance of being put into book stores and widely read.

I may even do it under a pseudonym. I don't like doing that, but I'm such a niche writer, with my other work, it may have hurt the sales of my books that are outside the niche. My poorest sellers are David Martin and The Alice '65. One's a fable aimed at kids; one's a straight rom-com. My best-seller is still How to Rape a Straight Guy. Should tell you everything, right there.

I may test using a pen-name with CK, see what happens. Not put it on my website but only deal with FB or Instagram. Dunno yet. That's way in the future.

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