Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What is wrong with me?

I've decided to let loose with whatever the characters bring me and throw it into Carli's Kills and see what sticks, and they are having way too much fun with this. All of a sudden, it looks like I may have a battle to the death between Carli and a female sheriff who's got the hots for Zeke. That one's name is Eldora and she's as crooked as they come...and is another woman who won't take shit off a man.

I think by the time this is done, I'm going to have one bizarre story of erotica, horror, suspense and female empowerment. That should be fun to try and sell. It would be my 14th book, counting David Martin and my one foray into mainstream biography, which was so bad it's now out of print, and I don't blame people for not buying it.

I was doing it as a favor, almost but not quite ghost-writing...and I could not get into the story. The character wanted to break free...but he was also the person I was doing it for...and that guy...well, he was feeding me his bio had serious constraints on me. So it turned out to be crap. He reworked with someone else and it's called French Connection Blues, and it's available at Amazon. So...

But since then, I've let my characters dictate a lot of what happens in the stories. I'll edit and rearrange things, but I don't censor them. And it seems that letting them run free with CK is building a story completely different from what I planned. For all I know, now, Carli and Eldora will ride off into the sunset together with Zeke chained to his bike and kept as a sex slave. very Mad Max of me...

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