A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

My brain hates me...

Got all my paperwork and IRS crap done, today, and then made enchiladas, rice and beans for dinner. Also got some very nice feedback on my writing. Feeling very self-satisfied. For a moment.

Then...as I'm about to shift my focus to APoS and the foot-deep stack of papers and info on my table to read through, what should come knocking at my door but a new MM storyline? About a vampire. Who's gay. Named Leonides Heroleon. And is brother to Gabrielle Bayeux, the vampiress in my screenplay, Blood Angel. He also looks like Derrick Davenport, being of a strong Anglo-Saxon/Germanic background.

Both of them were turned in the 11th Century by the same vampire. Both have the smarts to not only survive in a world that hates and fears them but also build great wealth. And they pretty much hate each other. She blames him for taking a potential mate from her by revealing he preferred men. He's always considered her a snotty brat who insisted on being the center of attention. And both have been looking for love in all the wrong places.

This is only the first germ of the story...though as noted, I do have a full screenplay written for Gabrielle's part in it...but it was not expected. In fact, it kind of ticks me off. I just got done with CK and the turmoil of writing that. I want to focus on APoS...but Leonides is tickling all the right feels, the little shit.

He knows I've always had a thing for Derrick Davenport, even though he's pretty much the opposite of the kind of guys I like -- AKA: Chris Evans. If I had the two of them side by side and could take either one to my bed, I'd go nuts trying to choose. I can't explain it; it's just me being me.

To add to my psychosis, I really do wonder if I actually was a vampire in a former death and this is just me wanting to tell my story. Does that sound nuts enough, yet?

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