A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, May 30, 2022

Thoughts and irritants...

One of the problems with being diabetic is keeping my diet in check and balanced. Something I am truly crappy at. I usually eat light in the morning, like tea with milk and honey and toast with butter and sugarless jam. Sometimes cereal but not often and not much. Lunch can be just about anything from wieners and beans to tuna on toast to leftover meatloaf in a sandwich. Dinner is my main meal and I try to be careful, there. I also check my blood sugar in the morning before breakfast and then 2 hours after din-din, and so long as I'm under 130 on the first one and 180 on the second, I'm fine.

But today I had an episode, where I suddenly felt very weak and sweaty. I've had these off and on for years. I think the first I remember was 20 years ago, when I was walking past Gelsons on Santa Monica in West Hollywood. I had to go into the store and get a candy bar then sit outside for about 15 minutes until the weirdness went away, after which I was brutally tired. This was long before I was diagnosed with diabetes, and my bloodwork at the time was fine.

That's normally been when they happen, though -- after I've been on a walk or some kind of exercise, and it's not consistent. Sometimes, I can go walking and I'm fine. It's my understanding it's a massive drop in blood sugar. The most recent one I had was in the middle of winter, when I'd walked to Tops up on Sheridan. I was en route home and had to dig into a package of cookies I'd bought because I was already a block away from the store. Again, I had to sit and let myself catch up to myself, and doing the rest of the walk (nearly a mile) was really hard.

Well, this time I'm at home and writing, nothing strenuous. Just out of the blue. So I had a couple bites of cheese and a glass of milk then lay down...and slept and woke up with a headache and feeling really pissy. Fortunately, I'd already done work on Leonides and some reading for APoS, because I got nothing more done. Didn't even really eat dinner. Just had some crackers and DP Zero. But when I checked my blood sugar, 2 hours later, it was over 200. Made no sense.

Anyway, I'm at more than 8000 words on the story, and its characters are firming up. Right now the most important one to Leon is Geoffrey, who seems to really like him. Even gets him to learn how to read and write, over the next few years. But as he'll come to realize, Geoffrey's a vampire and there's no such thing as love or loyalty, with them...

Or is there?

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