A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Back to work...

Went through 6 chapters of APoS-Derry, slow and steady. I increased the font size to 18points and found two more missing periods and an absent quotation mark. I also added words a couple of times when I felt they would help the clarity of what was being said.

I cut out a bit more repetition, too. Both times it was a paragraph that was repeating something I'd already written, just in a different way. But overall it's working for me, now.

I had a nice chat with a Mac Technician who showed me a few things I can do with the Air that I couldn't do with the Pro, and sent me links for further info. But what it boils down to is I'll need to get Adobe Photoshop Ps to do the book cover. So be it. I can't buy it, I have to lease by the month or by the year. The one I'm looking at is $30-35 a month, but I can cancel anytime.

Love going online with Twitter to find another mass-shooting, this time in Lewiston, ME. 22 dead and 60 injured. Just another day in the life of chaos America.

God, it makes me tired.

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