A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, October 9, 2023

Done, again

Okay, finished this proofing of APoS-Derry and it's at 139,107 words. And I am beat. But I'm off to Seattle for the book fair, on Saturday, so am going to start another proofing, but this time on a PC. It shows Word docs differently from Mac, and that is a good thing. This last pass will be to make certain all the commas, apostrophes, em-dashes and quotation marks are right. There have been issues with them, in the past.

That may be a bit on the anal side. Because like with the quotation marks at, for example, the end of some dialogue that had an extra space after an ellipsis or an em-dash, it would be facing the wrong way. But I've stopped allowing any spaces after em-dashes and ellipses. I just want to make certain.

I'm flying JetBlue so they offer a bit more legroom than Southwest does, so I can deal better with a laptop. And while the office PC I have is bulky, it's better suited to my needs, for this.

In a 6x9 format in Times New Romans with 11 point font, it should be around 350 pages long, in hardcover. If I keep the price at $29.95, I make less than a dollar a book at a 55% discount. But I can't go 40% because a lot of independent book stores won't carry it and Amazon gets nasty about their percentage, and I don't want to charge over the magic $30 till I have to.

I considered setting it up through KDP, but I keep hearing horror stories about Amazon and self-published authors. Things like claiming the book they publish was plagiarized from them, if they also try to set it up in Kindle. Having their earnings disappear. Questionable reporting of sales. And all sorts of difficulty getting it corrected. Ingram's not perfect, but I can deal with them. I've dealt with Amazon in the past and really do not want to have to do so, again.

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