A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Details, details...

Today was spent working on my new laptop, checking the links, verifying passcodes, updating settings, trying to figure out why some things that did work on the Pro won't work on the Air, and getting my printer to talk to it. That was fun...but finally successful. All while doing 3 loads of laundry.

Tomorrow, I'm harassing my ophthalmologist to look at my right eye, ASAP. I've got a weird shadowy spot that suddenly showed up in my vision, with spidery webs radiating from it. Spooking the hell out of me...wondering if it's a result of my diabetes. It's not strong; in fact, if I'm looking at a dark space or one that has lots of patterns in it, I can't even see the thing. It's when I'm dealing with my monitor that it becomes obvious.

Once I know when I'm seeing him, I'll set up an appointment with a Mac specialist to make certain I'm getting the right version of Photoshop. Adobe is offering several, and there's a monthly charge to license any of them. I want to see if one labeled PS is good for my needs -- designing dust jackets and book covers. And maybe they can explain how I managed to set up the keyboard so that I can change an e to an é and a c to a ç...because I honestly have no idea what I did, and it would not do it, yesterday.

Next comes the push for APoS-Derry, and I'm starting from page 1...and this will be the final go-through, no matter what. I could easily work on honing this book for the next 10 years, if I don't stop myself.

I also now have a gmail address. Not sure what I'll do with it, yet. If it'll be for future business or if I'll shove personal stuff onto that and use my .mac for business/writing only. Whatever happens is what happens.

But I do feel like I'm back on track...

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