A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Thank god for Taco Tuesday

It was 10:45pm when I decided to get in my car, drive to a Taco Bell and have an order of crispy tacos. I wasn't feeling very happy and howling at people on Twitter and Instagram and wasn't really hungry, but damn those things changed my mood for the better.

Reason for the mood? I saw the ophthalmologist, this morning, and it turns out I have a vitreous detachment in my right eye. Can't be fixed; I'll have this spot in my vision till I die. Or could lead to loss of vision. I'm due back to his office in 30 days to see if it's stabile or advancing. So fucking perfect.

I've got the beginning of a cataract in my left eye. Skin cancer on my right jawline. Diabetes. High blood pressure. And a host of other old man ailments. It's time to junk me and buy a newer model. And while I can joke about it, now, I was not doing so well earlier.

I'm cutting back on social media. I'll still check it, now and then, but I want to focus on finishing the full 3 volumes of APoS, and then Dair's Window, and the rest of Blood Angel before I have a chance to go blind. It's too damned easy for me to get lost in dealing with idiots on Twitter and Instagram, and they do seem to be multiplying in number.

I've already unfollowed a couple people who've been screaming nonstop about Israel's bombings in Gaza, but who were all but silent when Russia did the exact same thing to people in Ukraine. Both sides are at fault for the catastrophe in Gaza. Ukraine did not warrant having Russia invade and slaughter her citizens. But the world is going nuts for the poor Palestinians while Ukraine is all but being ignored, now.

I know too much history to be kind about that sort of shit. I'm no scholar, but I'm not fool enough to think that forcing Ukraine to give away part of her territory would solve a damned thing, as some really, really, really rich idiots are suggesting. Chamberlin proved appeasement doesn't work in 1938, for crying out loud.

I'm not vanishing, just minimizing and keeping focus on what I need to do. It's probably the end of the world, anyway, since the ice in Antarctica is melting away and soon Miami will be underwater. The Planet will take care of itself, since we're too fucking selfish to do it, and Earth won't give a shit if humanity becomes extinct.

Funny time to be writing a book about a little war in a tiny country on a small island with thousands of years of history.

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