A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

First notes back on APoS-NWFO

 It is amazing. All the times I went over APoS-NWFO looking to make corrections...and in the first 50 pages there are 4 glaring typos. There are also 4 occasions where a comma I'd left off was suggested...and I could see where it might be warranted...or I'd gotten lost in Brendan's speech pattern and what he said was not as clear as I'd intended. So overall this is good. 

I feel that I'm more and more prone to typos as I get older and the story becomes more involved. Even as I initially write a sentence, I'll find an error in it that needs to be corrected. I also have to really proofread my texts and online postings because I'll leave out words or letters if I don't take extra care.

Like just now. I found I'd left a period off the end of a sentence...but when I told my hand to add the period, it added a comma. Maybe my synapses aren't synapping like they should.

I don't know if this is a natural part of aging or I'm just more hyper-vigilant about them. Probably a combination of the two. My only saving grace is, it's not unusual for typos to be missed, even by the proofing departments in major publishers. As was used in two classic scenes in The Big Sleep...

FWIW, Ben Hur wasn't published until 1880, which I already knew before I saw the film, the first time.

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