A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Returning to earth...

The Beast is done. 14,500 words in eleven chapters, and I left it slightly open-ended in case something comes together at another time. Of course, I'm at the point where I really hate that title for it. If I do post it on Smashwords as an ebook, I'm changing it.

It's a goofy story, really -- part SciFi, part horror, part erotica -- but I can now see it as a light sorbet meant to cleanse my creative palate for APoS-HNH. I'm ready to dive back in.

Today was also taken up with errands. Which I had to all but force myself to do. Needed groceries, stuff to fight bedbugs and massive loads of laundry done. I'm not 100% sure I've got bedbugs, but I have a couple of itchy bumps on my right hand that seem like they could be bites, so I bought bedbug safe covers for my box spring and mattress, and diatomaceous earth to sprinkle over the frame and around the legs.

I also bought lavender oil and put it in a spritzer to hit the walls and such. It's said the little bastards don't like that. We'll see. At least it smells nice.

Tomorrow, I'm getting back onto A Place of Safety-Home Not Home. I think the opening of it has settled in enough so I can start working with it. I know what needs to be added to the story and what I don't want in it. This is Brendan coming to terms with his place in life. His fate, even. And how he finds that everything he's been through up to this point prepared him for what happens, next.

I've gotten zero feedback from anyone yet, on New World For Old, aside from notations on typos found. I don't want to do like I did in Derry and rewrite parts after they've been proofed, considering my propensity for mistakes. But I can't force anyone to do what they aren't willing to do. It's not like I'm paying for it. Maybe I'll cast about and see through Facebook if anyone's willing to read it. I'm copyrighted so worries.

Hmph, famous last words...

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