A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, June 30, 2024


Today I worked on Brendan going head to head with his mother over his return. It's rough, a bit cruel, and low-key. But playing off his Aunt telling him Ma rambled and said things that made no sense, it became a moment where his mother's mortality is brought home hard.

He realizes his aunt just didn't have the context needed to see Ma wasn't merely rambling; she was revisiting moments she's lived. And learns she never hated him; she hated an attitude that she saw in him where it seemed he thought he was superior to her. I think.

Oh, I just had a thought. Kieran has that attitude with Brendan. Sees him as a coward and traitor and refuses to share his room with him. But the hutch behind the house was made over to be livable for Mairead and Turleigh, when they were wed, and then was lived in by Eamonn. I think I'll have Maeve move him into that, after he gets snotty with Brendan.

"But it gets cold!"

"I'll give ya an extra blanket!" 

So now I'm through 5 chapters, and there are so many changes happening, I'll need to do at least three more drafts to make it work...maybe four. We'll see how things go. In reality, I'm restructuring the actions in this draft so the details can emerge.

Through July, Smashwords is having one of their ebook sales. I've set two books up at half-price, one of them APoS-Derry, and five books are free. The rest are $0.99 each, as always. Scroll down the linked page to see which is what.

It's amazing how many people will download a book that's free and never read it. Though I can't say much about that. I've got so many books I need to read, myself...and just added three dark works of gay erotica to the pile. They were written by a writer friend of mine...but still, I'm hopeless.

I'm currently working my way through a friends' daughter's first book, Truthfully Yours, which is a nice, sweet young-adult romance between a bi-girl with autism and a gorgeous-guy who's on a smash hit TV show. Her style is easy to read, but it's like a bright sunny day when I'm Mr. Midnight.

However...it's set in Scotland. That makes it more than worthwhile.

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