A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Something good...

I received my Library of Congress Control Number for A Place of Safety-New World For Old, today. I added it to the copyright page of both the hardcover version and ebook. That lightened my mood a little.

BUT...I was informed an apartment on my floor has bedbugs, and that sent me into a frenzy. I haven't seen any and can't find any nests of them in my place. And the bedbug pros are coming on Tuesday to check, for sure. I scrambled out to buy some diatomaceous earth but the building doesn't want me to use it. Turns out it's not really all that effective against them.

So on top of this pissy mood I'm in, I'm dealing with that shit. Just like at my old place, when the apartment below me brought some of the damned things in and it took forever to get rid of them. I was so paranoid about them, I didn't bring any of my furniture over to the new place. And I'd left my papers in outside storage over the winter, so if any were in my boxes they froze to death.

I got into such a state, I worked on We-come...and retitled it The Beast. Got into a truly brutal part of the story, for me, with Ren (as Warren is known by) raping the deputy who killed him before the man is killed by the alien. I also reworked a photo into this image and...if I decide to publish it...may use this as the cover.

I don't know that I will, officially. It's pretty harsh and really does veer close to porn, if not run straight into it. To be honest, I still have a 1970s vision of what porn is and that my be way out of date. But doing this has helped me pull back from my black mood more than anything else.

Rabid doggie just needed a scratch behind its ears before it collapsed into madness.

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