A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Going through an unmotivated stage, right now. Except for that series of erotic stories I've been posting on GayDemon. Well...I say stories but they're really just chapters of the same story, as mentioned before -- The Beast.

Which is close to being done. And may have alleviated the demon inside me that was distracting me from everything else. I'm through chapter 9, have part of 10 written, and a good idea of how 11 and 12 will be, and that'll be it. Meaning it will be a short novella...around 12-14,000 words.

Then I'm going to post parts of Blood Angel on there, as well. But each of those was twice the length of The Beast. God...I'd retitle it back to We-come, but that's the name of the motel atop the cave and it no longer plays a real role in the story.

I'm driving to Washington DC, tomorrow. 7-8 hour drive with a minivan and lots of packing materials. I'm not really looking forward to this job. It's in tight quarters that are difficult to get to, in a city that is a major challenge to drive in. I was smart enough to get a hotel that's only a mile from the site...if I walk; it's 1.2 miles to get to by car, thanks to how the streets are laid out. That may help.

I also officially passed on traveling to Hong Kong. I just plain do not want to spend 15-16 hours on a plane, each way, and I've been to that city so many times. I could handle flying to Dublin or London since that's only 7 hours, but I don't see that happening, again.

I'm halfway afraid I'm burned out on APoS-HNH and hope that giving myself this space from it will help me refocus. Because so far nothing I did with it satisfies me. And I mean in my gut. Intellectually, that new opening works well...but I can't get past the notion that it's only well enough...and that's not what I want.

Maybe I can come up with something on the drive down or back or something.

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