A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, June 24, 2024

More typos done...

It never ceases to amaze me how many times I can go over my work, trying to eliminate typos, yet the moment someone else reads it they find several. And rather obvious ones. Words missing a letter. Hell, sentences missing a word. I discount the occasional lack of punctuation because that can be hard to see.

To my credit, so far my editor has only found 16 total mistakes in the first 100 pages of NWFO. A couple of them...I'm kicking myself over. Doubling up on a word in a sentence? That should have been caught by me. Can't figure out why it wasn't.

The beginning two chapters of Home Not Home are coming together, but they're still a bit too...I dunno...cerebral in how they feel. Almost as if by rote. I don't like that. Making the events hit Brendan as he's experiencing them works better. It's what I tried to do in NWFO. Dunno how successful I was. But it is what I want to keep in mind as to how his story is told.

Smashwords is having another one of their sales, July 1-31. I've set up A Place of Safety-Derry up at 50% off, with a couple other titles for free. It's a bit disheartening to see how many people will download a book that's at no cost but won't even read it or review it. I've tried to get reviews in a number of other ways, as well, but there are even some friends who refuse to review my work on Amazon or Smashwords.

And that's including my non-erotica.

I'll be getting one from Kirkus for NWFO, I know that. Depends on if it's good, bad or ugly...but no. A review is a review, even if they tear your work apart. I'd like to know if what I put in the books works, or doesn't. I learn from negative comments. See mistakes I should avoid repeating.

Still...it's not like I'm going to stop writing. Yet. I've got a dozen stories that want to be told.

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