A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I'm so easily distracted...

Today I had to leave my apartment because I was getting a special bedbug barrier put in. Seems someone who recently moved onto my floor had a nice little nest of them. The building called in professionals, hence the barrier. If I'd seen any in my place, it would have been full scale extermination, and I'd be spending the night in a hotel and tomorrow washing everything I own that's cloth.

Of course, now I'm paranoid, thanks to my previous apartment getting them from a downstairs infestation. I've never had bedbugs before. Not once in my life, until I came here...and even then, not till recently. Ugh, irritating.

So I popped over to Wegman's to have lunch (I like their pizza) and worked on The Beast, my gay sci-fi horror story. The dining area of a busy supermarket is not the ideal place to dig into APoS-HNH. Especially since the man at the table next to mine was fucking gorgeous. So much so I actually used him in part of the story as a potential victim...who may wind up a hero. And almost talked myself into striking up a conversation.

FWIW, sneaking a photo does not do anyone justice.

Of course, I said nothing. Did nothing. I cannot just talk to someone I don't know in a way that will mean anything. It's windy today. Supposed to be in the 80's, next week. Bullshit like that, where I shrug and stutter like a teenage boy trying to pick up the school's hot jock. And I've always been this way. It's pathetic.

So I get home with a few groceries...and find out a job outside San Jose is on for the week after July 4th and need to set that up. I'd done an initial pricing of this job a month ago; Southwest has jumped up $100 for the roundtrip. But it's set. Plane, car, hotel...

And next week I'm in DC.

Time management is not my strong suite....

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