A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Kill your darlings...

I'm two-thirds the way through another draft...and more ideas I'd initially dropped into Carli's Kills have fallen away. Actually, been stripped out of the story, by me. With other parts simplified and some of my overly-stylish moments cleaned up. For all this editing, I'm still only 2 pages down and just under 700 words shorter. But if all goes well, tomorrow, I'll have a draft ready to print up for serious editing.

I've also got a minimalist outline for the story, to help me keep my story points in order. For example, I was saying Carli's 36, but that timeline doesn't work out. She's no older than 33. And considering by the time this is published we'll have been out of Afghanistan for a year, with no combat troops officially in country prior to the evacuation, I had to rearrange her immediate history from there to another fort. She was still a sniper in Afghanistan, but it's earlier in her Army career...and she misses it.

I've also simplified Zeke's history, a bit, while expanding on Eldora's and Grady's. It's almost like a Rubik's cube, but one I've no intention of solving to where single colors are on each side. Not necessary.

I want to get this done tomorrow because I'm off to LA on Thursday, if the weather lets me. The amount of snow that's expected usually makes airlines wary, and I halfway expect to wind up bumped to Friday or Saturday. So long as I'm there Sunday for the move-out, that's all that counts.

We shall see what we shall see.

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