A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, July 11, 2022

A meeting in Alexandria

 Here's the continuation of what I posted, yesterday...


An instant later, the other chairs were filled with the rest of the Oiym, and the purest of elegance filled the room. 

The first chair to my right held Anileh, and I knew his name without him saying it. He was about thirty years of age, tightly muscled, stone-faced with uncaring eyes, and his tunic was short and made from linen. His fine legs were covered with leggings but also boots up to above his knees, all in a wonderful mixture of browns and reds. His eyes locked on me and did not waver. 

Seated next to him was Luahl, another male but with a more open face well-chiseled into compatible features. His eyes were as black as his hair, which was cut shorter than the rest, and he wore an unadorned tunic that fit his form snugly, in light shades of brown and green, a leather belt around his waist. He wore the type of shoe that covers the feet then is strapped up around to be secured just below his knee. No leggings, and it was rather obvious he wore only a loincloth under his tunic. Which struck me as disrespectful. 

Ninsira was to his right, seated elegantly, her form shorter and rounder than that of Nethys but just as lovely in a series of light silk layers done in various shades of green and yellow. Her eyes were bright, her skin creamy, and her hair the color of the sun. 

As Nethys held the center seat, Ninshu was to her right and could have been Ninsira's twin were it not for her hair being dark and her gown made of finely woven wool in deep blues and blacks. She also carried a great deal of regality in her posture and pose. 

Uttah leaned on her chair, as if about to speak to Ninsira, seemingly amused despite her truly aristocratic features and lean form. She was the most stylish in a gown made from golden taffeta, which I had never seen before. 

But Gabrielle noticed it and commented on wishing to have one similar. "If you are willing to share your seamstress with me," she said, still in her casual tone. 

Uttah brushed a strand of mahogany-colored hair from her face, smiling as she said, "You should have your own, by this time." 

Meaning, No. 

Gabrielle did not react. 

Finally, in the last chair of the semi-circle, to my left, was Lugalban, who looked as normal and human as any I had ever seen. The build of a powerful knight, as well as a white tunic of linen with borders of silk in elegant burgundy. Boots meant for riding horses. A strap across his chest, from waist to shoulder, and a simple shirt beneath. If he'd sported a sword, I'd have expected to see him at a tournament.

Standing with their backs to the silk curtains were a number of doúlos to attend as needed. All fine-looking men and women of varying ages, neatly dressed in tunics and gowns and all seeming healthy and well-fed. I felt almost as if I were at an audience for the king or queen. 

Nethys began by saying, "You two do not have the appearance of brother and sister." 

"Appearances are deceiving," Gabrielle said, cool and calm. 

No reaction from the Oiym. 

Then Luahl coldly asked me, "Why did your father Christen you Léonidès?" 

"I do not know," I said. 

"Do you know of him?" 

"Only that he was king of Sparta and died at Thermopylae." 

"We understand you know how to read and write," said Ninsira. 

I nodded, slightly. 

That caused Gabrielle to look at me, saying, "Father taught you? It was my understanding you were an idiot." 

I smiled at her and said, "It's easier to make your way through the world when people think you don't understand what they mean by the things they say." 

She cast me only a hint of a frown, but I could tell she was not pleased. And that pleased me, greatly. I then looked straight at Nethys to say, "One of Prior Paul's men, Gregory, taught me. And also how to do summations. He was very patient and the others assisted him." 

"Like one trains a dog," said Gabrielle, casting a cool eye over me. 

Just to be contrary, I barked at her. 

She merely turned back to the Oiym and said, "I was led to believe my brother was never to be turned." 

"That is true," said Luahl. 

"So if I understand this correctly, you knew he was of the same blood as myself, yet allowed him to consort with a group of male vampires, who obviously were grooming him to join them." 

I had to pop in with, "Grooming me?" 

"You think we knew this?" asked Ninsira, ignoring me and not the least bit perturbed at my sister's directness. 

Gabrielle gave the slightest hesitation before answering, but no one missed it. "Didn't you?" 

"Did you?" was shot right back at her. "You were located much closer to him than any of us." 

There was another slight hesitation, then, "I sensed something odd, but I was turned only a few years ago..." 

"Six years," said Nethys, "to be exact." 

"And not once was concern relayed to us," Lugalban snapped. 

I felt the need to speak so grinned and said, "Gabrielle never was the sort to write letters home, and...and I was only her annoying little brother, so why should she care?" 

Nethys shifted her eyes from me then back to my sister before saying, "I wonder at your implications, Gabrielle. Do you honestly believe more was done to your brother than releasing the Blood Angel within him?" 

Anileh shifted forward to lean his arms on his knees and cast her a cold, hard look her way. "Is it a problem for you that he takes pleasure with men instead of women?" 

"No, of course not," she replied, but everyone in the room knew she was lying, and she realized it so went into her natural mode of offense. "I am merely surprised that you do not mind the spread of misinformation regarding your powers and...." 

That brought a sharp tone to Nethys' voice, again, as she murmured, "Gabrielle, do not forget where you are." 

No change of expression from my sister, just that cool, calm demeanor. It was not even broken when Ninshu smiled at her. 

"Tell us of your encounter with Prior Paul," she said, her voice light and musical. 

Gabrielle merely said, "I have, already. At another meeting like this. Six years ago." That last sentence directed at Nethys. "So I fail to understand why I am here." 

"Gabrielle," said Luahl, his voice hard and direct. "Are you familiar with our citadel, in any way?" 

"I am not inclined to explore the residences of others." 

"Below us is a dungeon, with cells strong enough to keep even those like you. We have a couple of vampires down there who displeased us. Perhaps you would care to join them." 

She finally cast him a glare then said, "It was not an encounter with Prior Paul. It was a hunt, on his part, with me as his prey. And you know this." 

I looked at her with shock. "He meant to assault you?" 

"Nothing so trivial," she snapped.

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