A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Done and off to the editor...

Blood Angel-Book One-Léonidès is set as tight as I can make it. 25,260 words, but that includes the title, acknowledgements, copyright info and table of contents. I've already set it into proper format to be readied for transfer into ebook form. Just waiting for feedback and notes. 

Three deaths are detailed in this book -- Léon, himself, a Viking he feeds upon, and an unnamed criminal in Alexandria who'd been condemned to death. This image pretty much shows how I pictured the last one, because Léon not only feeds on him, he rapes him, first. He finds that mixing semen in with his blood is far more satisfying in nourishment.

This book is going to have so many triggers...but they all are. I can already tell. They're also going to be a light review of European history as well as a bit of American and British expansionism.

I'm still planning to release it only in ebook, and if I don't get good response to it, no telling when I'll get to Book 2, which is set during Germany's 30 years war in the 17th Century. Guess we'll see what happens.

If response is really good, I may do a coloring book to accompany the series, but that's well in the future.

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