A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

My reality as a writer...

This is me and writing. I keep trying to get away from it, but my characters keep dragging me back. Sometimes, they want me to work on what I don't want to work on, at that moment. Like with Blood Angel. I'm focused on finishing the first book of it, Léonidès, and I'm in the spot where Lèon's finding out what he is and how it works, but other characters want me to work on the WW2 part so keep tossing ideas at me. That I have to stop and write down. Breaking my focus.

Same for other projects in the wings. Brendan's being good because I'm still doing my reading. In fact, if I'd been thinking I'd have grabbed a book to read, yesterday. But thinking on my feet has never been my strong suit.

I've also got the reality that on August 1st I'll need to redo my website, completely. Which won't be easy. It's an all new format and I haven't found anyone willing to do it for me...that I trust.  And I'll need to work up a good cover for BA...and Dair's Window is knocking at my head, again, as are Darian's Point and an old story I started titled Robert's Wife.

I'm not a fast writer. I have to redo what I write at least a dozen times to get it to where I like it, and BA is going to take a lot of that, as is APoS. Plus I seem to be getting worse with typos as I grow older. That or I'm finally noticing them when they happen. It's still slowing me down.

I wish I could be like Earl Stanley Gardner, who would rattle his stories off to a secretary, who would then transcribe them into typewritten form for him to make any changes he wanted, then it was off to the publisher. Small wonder he wrote so damn many of the Perry Mason books...well, that and the fact that the stories were pretty much all the same.

At least I try not to repeat myself...

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