A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Plan of action...

Okay, after some thought and a bit of head-pounding, I've worked out what I'm doing with Léonidès. First off, it's going to be a series. Seven books, each 80-100 pages long...maybe 120, when you include title page and the other stuff. Series title will be The Blood Angel, and the sub-headings as follows:

1. Léonidès

2. 17th Century

3. Napolelon in Moscow

4. 1871

5. WW2

6. New Orleans

7. Modern Day

Book #1 will explore his life at the end of the 11th Century, that his sister was turned 5 years earlier, that he becomes sexually involved with a group of vampire monks before he is turned, and what sets his bloodline apart from regular vampires.

I have the spine basically worked out, and a lot of writing done on the first book and 1871 and WW2 as well as part of Modern Day. New Orleans is written in screenplay format so needs to be reworked. A lot of it deals with the changes in the world and how he and Gabrielle, his sister, work around the growing interconnected aspects of Western civilization. At first they're like gypsies, traveling to where there is war and disruption because that's where the best feeding is, but are finally having to adjust to the growing control being exerted by various governments.

By the end, they're at the point where they each have so much money they're like demi-gods so don't have to worry about such mundane things as immigration and customs and the legal system. The only difference is, Léon has a code of honor he and his crew keep while Gabrielle does not.

I've also learned the Blood Angels descended from the Egyptian gods of 5000 years ago, and the oldest of them are The Oiym, which loosely translated to First Ones in Coptic. I've already introduced Nethys, one of the Oiym, and instead of calling their servants familiars that's referred to as slaving them. I know the connotations of that word but this is deliberate...though I may convince myself to look for a word like that in Coptic or Czech.

I'm aiming to publish #1 in August, in paperback and ebook. Then one every 2 months after, till the following August. Should be fun.

Only question is, will he wind up like Leonidas did at Thermopylae? (FWIW, the sketch is Jean-Louis David's preliminary workup of his famous painting.)

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