A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


I admit I get a bit jealous of people who can churn out book after book after book and get lots of sales. I'm only human...ish...sort of. But I finally started checking into some of these multi-book authors in the gay erotica area...and I'm finding more than half of them are really short stories or novellas published separately, not even part of a series but stand-alones.

This one author duo I looked at, who said they had written 15 books...their wordage ranged from 6500 to 12,000. And at the same prices I charge for my work. And they seem to be selling, fairly well. I checked through Smashwords' newest offerings and many were in the 80-90K range, but 1/3 were 25-45K.

Right now, the first book of Blood Angel is keeping at between 24,000 and 25,000 words, and I'm thinking that's short. And if I do all 7 within this range, which is not guaranteed, that's 175,000. I need to get over myself when it comes to comparing myself to other authors' offerings and sales. After all, I'm in a very small niche area of publishing. I'll never make a living at it, as CK and A65 have shown, but I'm have my own version of fun.

Going through BA on this draft caught me finding a logical error. I had Prior Pious feeding on Léon in an attempt to kill him, because he thinks that what he has to do to stop a Blood Angel. But Léon hasn't turned, yet. In fact, feeding on him is guaranteed to turn him. So...I changed it to where Pious strangles him...not realizing that won't work for reasons he cannot know.

This happens at about the midway point. So far, not one vampire has fed, yet...but I have indicated that Gabrielle, Léon's sister, has been turned. Don't actually say it, but it's pretty damned obvious. It's from this point that the story turns cruel...and yet, not.

I'm gonna be getting away with a lot, here...

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