A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Done did it...

Sent off another query and then this email to Martin Melaugh, hoping to hear a positive response regarding the photo:

Dear Martin,


I hope you and your father are doing well. I'm the crazy American from some years ago who was trying to write A Place of Safety, a novel set in Derry during the Troubles, even though I'm not from the area. It's been some years since I was last in contact. I actually put the book aside and tried to convince myself it was stupid for me to write this, but my main character, Brendan, refused to let me off the hook. So...I'm now close to completion.


I've done all I can to make it as honest a story about a Derry boy as possible. The correspondence we had was very helpful in determining much of what happens. I've been careful to use the information you shared with me for reference only, and so far the feedback from other Americans who've read part of it has been good.


The full story is going to be in three volumes.

The first, set in Derry between 1966 and 1972, is done and undergoing final proofing.

The second, set in Houston, Texas between 1973 and 1981, needs one more draft and then will undergo a request for feedback, editing and proofing. (This part I’m far more comfortable with because I lived in Houston for 8 years.)

The third, set in Derry during the hunger strikes, is in third draft but needs further work.


I've been sending queries to literary agents in hopes of finding one who will represent the book. My hope is to set it up with a publishing house but no success, thus far. So I've decided if I am unable to get positive movement on this by the beginning of the year, I will self-publish it. I've done that with other books I've written, using Ingram Spark, so know the process.


If I do self-publish A Place of Safety, I wonder if I'd be able to licence one of your father's photos for the book's cover? Below is a copy of the one I'd like to use. If it is acceptable to you, both, could I please know the cost and if you'd be able to supply it in a high-def format? If the answer is no, that’s fine; I’ll work something else up.

Thank you for your time, and my best to your father and family.


Kyle Michel Sullivan

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