A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, September 11, 2023

Seeking cover images

I spent some of today looking through photos of Derry at the beginning of the Troubles, hoping I could find out who took the one shot I want to use. The young man on the street caught between two buildings.

I did find a couple taken by Eamon Melaugh that might work for the cover of APoS-Derry, instead. I can contact his son at CAIN to see if I can license them...and how much that'd cost.

I like this one the most. It's like Brendan is at his front door, waiting for his Chinas to show up. A tender yet careful feel to it. The other is the two boys seated on the Derry walls, flanking a cannon that's facing down Nailors Row. I've posted that one, before.

I also remembered having some email correspondence with the son, Martin Melaugh, back in 2011. He was very helpful in helping center the events in the story. He lived up in the Creggan area, as a boy, which was much nicer than the Bogside, and once spoke of when his school was caught in the crossfire of a full-scale gun battle between the IRA and British troops.

The students were all gathered in the center courtyard, for protection, because bullets where going everywhere. The vast majority from the British. It went on for hours. Finally, during a lull, a priest drove him to his house, which was close to the school. But when they got there, gunfire started, again, and he had to scramble to get through the front door to keep from being shot. This was not long after Bloody Sunday.

British forces were already becoming very indiscriminate in where they aimed their weapons. The IRA factions were better, though not by much. And what did it achieve, in the end? With the Easter Accord, Catholics got a lot of the rights they'd wanted in 1968. Thirty dears of death and destruction that could have been avoided if one side hadn't been so hateful and distrustful against the other.

Such a waste...but this is what religion and stupidity lead us to.

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