A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, November 6, 2023

53 pages left...

Closing in on another pass. After this will come more formatting. I've broken the books into Sections to make it easier to prep correctly. Headers on each page with page numbers in order. Just need to work out the look I want for them.

I kind of like this one, but it can be difficult to set up properly, so the header aligns correctly with the text. We'll see how it goes in my new version of Word.

After that will come working up an ebook version, in which I will do yet another read-through to seek out any recalcitrant typos. I'm also going to ask for reviews from BookLife and Publishers Weekly. I'd like to add them to the back of the dust jacket.

Which means, I'm not actually sending the book in for set-up at either Ingram or Smashwords till after the first of the year. I don't want to publish it till 2024, and things are getting to be so tight this month and next, it's better I delay than rush it through and not like what comes out.

I'm also considering working up a map for the inside, to give an idea of what Derry looked like in 1966, with a couple of fake streets for Brendan to live on. Still thinking about that. It might make the logistics too precise.

Can't have that...oh, no...

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