A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Tolstoy, stand aside...

I've got 30 chapters to A Place of Safety-Derry, and I'm halfway thinking of breaking two longish sections in half to make it 32 chapters. By the time I get done with the whole book, it's gonna make War and Peace look like a novella. Just without the quality and craftsmanship of a great novelist.

Anyway, today was spent setting up bookmarks for the e-book version, verifying the chapter headings (since I changed a couple), and doing a bit more correcting. Found two more typos, of course, and did a bit of double-checking on a couple of things. Like when Brendan talks about repairing a Land Rover Defender and wants to know what model it is. He should be asking what series it is.

I also figured to add an indignant comment for Brendan to think when he learns Colm's father narc'd on him about taking Joanna home, one night. Charged both for going to her house and back to the bus depot, and still turned on him. His information verifies she's Protestant and her family is well-off, and puts both her and Brendan in danger from their respective sides in the conflict.

His buddy, Colm...his China, as they call each other...gives him a quiet warning that he's being watched and people are not happy. It's even suggested he might be passing information to her to give to the Protestant paramilitaries...which anyone who knows Brendan knows is nonsense, but still, paranoia rules.

I did a couple more bits like that through the story, and dropped some lines that weren't needed and...and...and damn, rewriting is like a sickness. Like an addiction. No matter how resolute you mean to be when going into it, the ideas come and take control and you drift into another realm of existence. And before you know it, you've done a full rewrite.

Just call me psycho, in the morning, angel.

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