A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, April 2, 2022

New story idea...dammit...

In my SF-Horror book, The Beast in the Nothing Room, the terror comes from a person in the future who's found a way to circumvent their world's strict guidelines involving traveling back in time. Thanks to good documentation, this person is able to find men who are about to violently die in car wrecks or plane crashes, capture them into a holding area so they can be raped and tortured, then put them back in place the instant before they wind up dying.

The story starts out with Finn, my MC, waking up in a nothing of a room. He is undressed, raped and forced to ejaculate, then is dressed and put back where he was take from. but not to be killed. The reason for this is because they've been searching for him and trying to do it in as unobtrusive a way as possible to avoid messing with his future.

He's a cop so looks into it, finds other men this has happened to...two of whom were reported dead but actually did not die...and pieces the puzzle together in steps and stages as he's taken again and again. I had one reader tell me she had to put the book down, at times, it was so scary. Very proud of that reaction. And even prouder of my tag line for the book -- How do you stop a serial killer who kills no one and doesn't even exist?

It tapped into an aspect of another horror story of mine -- Blood Angel. That one's vampires in New Orleans after Katrina, and the vampire queen, Gabrielle Bayeux, fixates on a damaged, young jazz musician named Tristan Lee. She wants to lure him into joining her in her non-death. It's all mood and style and casual horror...but something Gabrielle alluded to was how she has managed to not only feed but grow impossibly rich over her thousand years of existence. 

Disasters. Totalitarian governments who disappear people. Wars, where if someone vanishes people will assume they were killed in the conflict. The world provides plenty of victims to choose from. Soldiers. Civilians. They're all food to vampires...and opportunities for profit to a clever one.

The slaughter in Ukraine brought this back to me. The Russians leaving their dead behind. Bombs and fires everywhere. Bodies lying in the street. Mass graves of people the Russian terrorists executed. Like in Georgia and Syria and Sudan...I could build a horror story out of all that evil that would scar people for life. It's still formulating in my head...but it does fit neatly into both stories' parameters.

I just don't know if it's right for me to do that, now.

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