A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, April 23, 2022


This is the cover for the paperback edition. Reaction has been good, so I'm not fucking with it. I'll get it out as soon as I can, but looks like it'll be around mid-May. The e-book will be earlier, like about the beginning of the month. I want to get it done before my eyelid surgery, on the 4th. I doubt I'll be up for much of anything, after that.

I still have formatting to do on the text of the story, so not sure the wordage will remain the same...but the pagination will. I went through, just a bit ago, to make the breaks consistent, and found I've got lots of space at the end of most of the chapters to play with. Here's what they're going to be named.

You Gotta Start Somewhere
Cantina Nights Ain't Right For Fightin'
Call Me...Stasi
A Shift in the Supposed Meaning of the World
Word Spreads Like Buttah
Incomplete Pass, Second Down
Double Your Pleasure
Two For One Ain't Fun
Sete de Sangue...or Something
No Picnic in a Park
Beyond the Tipping Point
Chase'd...Not Chaste
Jumping the Gun...or Shark
Fully Zeke'd
One Step Closer to a Mighty Chaos
Pinball Wizarding of the Mind
Coyotes Choose to Dine In
Re-birthing and Lies Told About It

They may change when I do the polish. A couple are a bit unwieldy...but that can be decided later, once I have the page numbers in. For now? I'm happy.

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