A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, January 1, 2024

All set up, I hope...

A Place of Safety-Derry is set up on Smashwords and is going through the process of migrating to other outlets, like Kobo, B&N and Apple. Those take a few days. I don't know if Amazon will offer an ebook from them, since they're so obnoxious about Kindle. And they've gotten worse in the last year or so. Therefore...for those who have a Kindle reader, Smashwords offers the ebook in a format it can work with. I priced it at $2.99, which may be too much for some people to pay, but it is what it is.

I went through all kinds of nonsense with Ingram Spark to set up the hardback version of the story. First they wouldn't let me past a certain page during the inputting of information till I contacted customer service and asked why. Meanwhile, I'd logged off and it sat for an hour. Then when I went back in, it was fine.

But they do have this ridiculous attitude about color profiles in my black and white text. There are no photos in the book. No color bits. It's just text on paper. But apparently that has some form of color profile that they can see and I can find nowhere when I search through Word. So I simply okay'd it and we'll see how it turns out.

The dust jacket was another bit of back and forth. They insist on using only CMYK and I really do not like how the reds turn out in that format. They also howled about color profiles in that, as well, which I don't understand because the cover is in color. But I finally worked out how to handle it. Also, I was just flattening the image instead of merging everything visible.

But now everything is uploaded and I'm waiting for the proof to come through before ordering a copy to make sure it's all okay.

I've set the publication date for the HB on January 16th, and it's priced at $32.95. Any lower and I'm in the red, once printing costs, discounts and fees are taken into account. I'll be lucky if I sell 10 copies.

So much for my dreams of Stephen King sized sales. None of my books go anywhere near that.

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